Monday, January 6, 2014

The Funky Chicken? Hokie-pokie?

[image:  The title reads "SuperCrip Presents: BRAIN WAVES AB VS SC Issue one, 2014.  The picture of split in half.  On the left side a man sitting at a table , with a giant squirrel waiter, receives a text message.  Text reads, "Move your right foot. from your brain. On the right side a girl who is in a wheelchair recieves a scroll message from a human messenger, traveling by horse.  The messenger says to the girl, "A message for you from Madam Brain The scroll reads, "Move your right foot."]

Hello there!  Happy New Year! and thank goodness that's all over with.  I don't know about you, but I always feel the relief from seasonal [dis]stress when January finally gets here.  Hooray!

I was inspired to draw/paint this issue of SuperCrip from the desire to explain to people, share with people how my body works.   I always find it easier to explain myself through pictures, so this particular analogy came into vision.  As the picture implies, I do not always receive messages from my brain that fast, although I have had time to look for some shortcuts.  Some circuits work sometimes, and some stop working, some never even had the chance.  Sometimes, when I'm trying to move my foot higher than I can without thinking about it, I imaging myself a puppet with strings, pulling the string, focusing on the string in my mind. (That could have made another good image!)

Don't forget to find more of my work on Instagram: Charlietreehouse !